The Corston Parish Council Annual Internal Audit Report 2017-18 can be viewed...
New Parish Councillors elected
Corston Parish Council's AGM in May saw some changes to the membership of the parish council. John Twist stood down as Chair and was replaced by Richard Blows Gary Breckon was elected as the...
Parish Councillor Vacancy April 2018
Vacancy for a Parish Councillor Corston Parish Council is seeking a Corston resident who would be willing to be co-opted on to the Parish Council and serve as a Parish Councillor until the end of...
CPC responds to Joint Spatial Plan consultation
Corston Parish Council has submitted its comments on the proposed West of England Joint Spatial Plan to B&NES. You can read CPC's comments...
Bristol Airport Expansion – public consultation
Bristol Airport has launched a ten week public consultation on its future expansion plans. The airport's email to Corston Parish Council says: "We are in the process of preparing a new Master...
Remembrance Day 2017
Corston Parish Council joined villagers to mark Remembrance Day at the village War Memorial and church service at All Saints on 12th November. [caption id="attachment_952" align="aligncenter"...
CPC website Virtual Tour updated
Clicking on the Virtual Tour menu option now allows allows you to "walk" along all of the roads in the village, along Ashton Hill and see an aerial view of the village, courtesy of Google Maps &...
Planning Application Consultation
Dear Councillors and Parishioners, For your information and due consideration, BANES have received planning application, 17-04075-TCA, which is about the proposed pruning of a Cydonia Oblonga at 7,...
Planning Application – 17/03747/TCA – Decision Notification
Please click on this link -...
Welcome to Corston Parish Council’s website
Corston Parish Council now has a home online - on our new website you can find details of our meetings, other events coming up the village, photos from past events and links to other useful...